#p <nat>Hebrew<o>leader<n>Mattathias<d>166<c>Jerusalem<info>Mattathias started an uprising when he killed an apostate Jew who was about to offer a sacrifice to Zeus on an altar set up by the Seleucid King Antiochus IV Epiphanes in the Temple precincts at Jerusalem.
#e <t><d>164<n>Judas occupies Temple<c>Jerusalem<au>Judas<info>Judas occupied the Temple in Jerusalem, built a new altar and fortifyied the area. This event continues to be celebrated as the Festival of Chanukah, or Rededication, sometimes also called the Festival of Lights.
// 161 treaty with Romans
#e <t>decree<d>139<n>Rome recognises Judea<c>Jerusalem<info>Judean ambassadors to Rome bring back a senatorial decree recognising the independence of the Jewish state.